10 Essential Items to Keep at Your Work Desk

You might head off the office daily or have permanently transitioned to working from home. Either way, you likely have a work desk set up to be a comfortable and productive place to tackle each day. But two or three desk must-haves can quickly turn into eight or nine, and suddenly you have no space to work. 

Narrowing down your choices to a select few will not only make your job considerably easier to complete each day, but you will also prevent your environment from becoming overwhelming, reserving space for those items that will serve a functional purpose. But don’t worry; there will always be a spot for something fun, whether a cute desk plant or your vape Australia. 

A Notepad

Having a memo pad or notepad permanently on your desk will ensure you never forget something again. In those times you are in a rush to write down important information or record a phone number before you forget, this simple addition will be a complete game changer. 

Furthermore, they are very portable and can be taken into meetings, where handwriting is far less distracting than typing on a laptop. Finally, they come in many sizes and styles, from blank pages to lined exam papers. 

Laptop/Desktop Stand

Whether you work on a laptop or a standard desktop, investing in a stand will elevate your screen and allow you to sit with a far more comfortable posture. The height also stops your neck and eyes from straining as it brings the devices closer to your face and eye level. 

Laptop stands stop your device from being directly on the table, allowing the built-in fan to work more efficiently at keeping it cool. Desktop stands are often designed to incorporate extra storage space, allowing you to utilise your desk area better. 

USB Charger

If you use a lot of different devices while working, it is worth getting a USB charging port that allows multiple devices to be connected at once. The convenience will mean you never have to scramble for a charging cable before going into a long meeting or heading out the door. 

A USB charger with five or six ports is sufficient for most people, but chargers with up to ten ports are available on the market. Having one USB charger will also reduce the number of wires you have surrounding your working space. 

Desktop Plant

Plants can be a unique and eye-catching addition to your desk. But more importantly, studies have shown that they are excellent for improving air quality in the vicinity and improving mental health. The key is to buy a low-maintenance species that can soldier on during the days you might forget to water it. Good examples of these are Chinese evergreens, peace lilies and dracaenas. 

Washable Keyboard

Take the worry away from spilling water or coffee over your keyboard by choosing one that can be easily cleaned whenever needed. Durable and washable keyboards are specifically designed to be liquid-resistant, and any stains or sticky marks can be wiped away with ease. In addition, they are long-lasting and incredibly hygienic. 

Reusable Waterbottle

When you have a busy day of work meetings and important phone calls, you can forget to stay properly hydrated, instead relying on the cups of coffee you can squeeze in. Keep a good quality, stainless steel water bottle on your desk to avoid this bad habit. You can refill them as often as needed, the water will stay cold for long periods of time, and it will act as a constant visual reminder to drink your water. 

Headphones & Holder

Keep a pair of quality headphones at your desk to use when watching over work presentations, attending Zoom meetings or needing a moment of quiet from the chaos of a corporate office. Many brands design their products to reduce noise or cancel it altogether. This is an excellent feature for when you need to complete an important work assignment or read through documents. 

Desk Vacuum

If you tend to snack or eat at your desk frequently, a small handheld desk vacuum will become your next best friend. These handy gadgets take up minimal space and work via batteries or USB charging. Various models exist, designed to clean everything from your desk to drawers or your keyboard. 

A High-Quality Pen

Invest in one high-quality pen that you can keep at your desk for notes or taking into business meetings. If your job requires you to write a lot, this splurge will make the entire process easier and far more enjoyable. Additionally, it is more cost-effective to buy ink refills as opposed to new pens if you have to purchase these items yourself. 

A Meaningful Mug

For those tea or coffee drinkers among us, finding a personalised mug that reflects your personality is a fun way to bring something meaningful into the workspace. In most office environments, it is customary to bring along your cup, so choose something distinctive that adds a little humour to your day. It will also guarantee that you always have a mug available when you get thirsty. 

AuthorCarla Snuggs