Summer is coming! This is great news for the majority of people who spend the rest of the year waiting for summer to roll around, but it can be a little nerve wracking for some. A lot of the time, summer means that your confidence needs to be a little higher than before because you can’t hide yourself behind baggy clothes. If this is what you do through the other seasons, then you need to work on your confidence anyway because you shouldn’t feel the need to hide, unless it’s a fashion choice.

Down below, we’re going to be talking about some of the things that you can do to get your confidence ready to go this summer, helping you to feel better when the sun starts shining. Keep reading if you are interested in learning more.

All Bodies Are Bikini Bodies

This is something that you need to understand, and you need to understand it now. Ignore the magazines and the social media posts that talk about bikini bodies and all you see are skinny people. This is not an accurate representation of what a bikini body is, okay? Because, truthfully, they don’t really exist. While it might be a tough concept to grasp, the only thing that you need to do to have a bikini body, is put a bikini on your body, and there are some absolutely lovely ones around if you know where to look!

Yes, if you want to make some lifestyle changes so that you can change your appearance a little bit, that’s absolutely fine. And yes, if you want to do a few things that will help you feel better in the summer like drinking lots of water, exercising and more, then do it. But, don’t pressure yourself because you think that you don’t have a bikini body, when that’s absurd.

Buy Swimwear That Makes You Feel Good

Speaking of swimwear, we recommend that you purchase swimwear that makes you feel good. When you look in the mirror, do you feel like you look good or not? You should only be buying swimwear that you feel confident in, and that you don’t mind people seeing you in, whether this is a bikini, a different type of two piece with bikini bottoms and a more covering top, or a one piece. It’s all about what you feel comfortable in, because that should be the main goal.

What a lot of people don’t seem to realize is that if you feel comfortable in what you are wearing, then you are more likely to feel confident. This is the goal, right? So go shopping for swimwear, get a few options, try them on, and go from there. 


One of the things that makes people feel better is getting a tan through the summer. This is one of the reasons that many people love to go to hot destinations, because they can get a tan easily by laying in the sun! But, if you’re not going to a hot destination, that doesn’t mean that you can’t still look like you’ve been to one. Fake tan is a thing, and it’s something that has become more popular in recent years thanks to the way that it makes people feel. You’ve actually got a few options when it comes to achieving a good tan, but one of them is using fake tan in a bottle. This one is something that you do yourself though, so you have to be careful, follow the instructions, and make sure that you don’t miss any,

Another option to get a tan is to get a spray tan. These are done by professionals and are completed using a spray gun to get even coverage. Or, your final option is to get in the sunbed. This might take a little longer to achieve the color that you are going for, but you will get there with regular use.

Buy Some New Clothing Items

Okay, so onto clothing! If you want to buy some new clothing items for the summer, we recommend that you get started asap. The last thing that you want is to get to the summer months and feel like you have nothing to wear because you didn’t plan for this. That can be a nightmare because you’re then not sure what you want to wear going forward, and it’s a stress, and it’s something that is best to avoid.

So, start looking into summer clothes! What kinds of clothes would make you feel comfortable, and what kind of clothes do you feel suit you the best? Do you like to wear flowing dresses in the summer to keep you cool, but also give you that cute boho kind of look? Or, do you prefer to wear shorts or just loose fitting clothing? You don’t have to wear less just because it’s warm if you don’t want to!

Sunscreen To Prevent Burning

The final thing that we’re going to say is that you need to stock up on sunscreen to prevent burning. While it might not seem like a huge problem, if you get sunburn in certain places, it can really damage your confidence. For example, if you get it under your eyes, on your nose, or even on your arms, you might find yourself feeling self conscious about it. It’s for this reason that we recommend you always have sunscreen on hand in the hot weather, topping up when you think it’s necessary to avoid any burning.

So there you have it then! These are some of the things that you need to think about when it comes to getting your confidence ready to go this summer. If you don’t know where to start, just pick an item on this list and then you can go from there. It doesn’t have to be complicated, and it doesn’t have to be a pain in the behind to achieve what you want to achieve. You just need to be able to feel good this summer, forgetting about what anyone else may have to say and moving forward with your life.

AuthorCarla Snuggs