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8 Home Remedies to Treat a Sunburn

Summer is a time that people look forward to all year — working toward a summer body, saving up for that perfect summer holiday and dreaming about enjoying gorgeous, sun-filled days. When the season finally arrives, summer is the perfect time to go to the beach, relax and get a gorgeous tan you can boast about when you go back to work.

Sadly, many good things come with a downside — and this one burns, itches and peels. Luckily, there are a multitude of things available within your home to cure yourself of sunburn pain if you decided to ditch the sunscreen or fell asleep under the scorching rays for too long. Here are eight home remedies to treat a sunburn, which can help replenish your skin and have you pain-free in no time.

1. Water

The easiest and most accessible remedy for a sunburn is water. A sunburn can make your skin feel hot to touch and water can have a cooling effect. But avoid chlorine because it can further irritate the skin. This is especially true for extra sensitive skin areas, so stay out of the pool. A few cool baths or showers throughout the day can cool your skin’s temperature and soothe inflammation. 

2. Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera is a wonderful remedy for an assortment of ailments and has been used for centuries. Breaking off a piece of this succulent plant and applying the gel to your skin provides instant relief from the pain of a minor sunburn. If you don’t have an aloe veraplant in your home, most pharmacies sell 100% aloe vera gel. You want to avoid an aloe-based ointment or lotion — only pure aloe vera gel will do.

3. Oatmeal and Baking Soda

Oatmeal is for more than just eating and making cookies. Taking a bath with some addedis good can work wonders. A cup of oats in a cool bath will soothe irritation and help your skin as it works to retain its natural moisture. Adding a few tablespoons of baking soda into the mix will also help to minimize damage caused by the sun.

Soak in this mixture for 15-20 minutes, but don’t scrub. After you’re sufficiently soothed and soaked, dab your skin dry with a soft towel. Be careful not to rub as this can further irritate the skin.

4. Vinegar

Using vinegar as a home remedy is controversial. Adding two cups of vinegar into a cool bath is said to help take away the sting of a sunburn, but opinions clash. Others say vinegar will worsen a sunburn due to its high level of acidity.It might be worth a shot to see how it works for you on small area of skin with a light burn, however. 

5. Chamomile Tea

This relaxing beverage will not only soothe an irritated mind but irritated skin too. Brew the tea as normal but then let it cool. You don’t drink it for this remedy. When the tea hascooleds, soak a cloth in the tea and apply it to the sunburn directly. Don’t use this treatment if you’re allergic to pollen, it may cause an allergic reaction.

6. Moisturize

Just as you’d take care of undamaged skin, it’s important to do the same for skin that’s been burned. Moisturizing the skin that’s been burned will help with how the sun has dried and damaged it. If your moisturizer strings, maybe try switching to one with more natural ingredients that’s marked for sensitive skin. Moisturizing will help prevent peeling or keep it to a minimum when it does occur. One moisturizer you may want to try is an after sun moisturizer by Egyptian Magic, which goes a step further than regular moisturizers by containing anti-bacterial ingredients to help prevent infection. 

7. Hydrate

Taking a cool bath and water is not the only water remedy for your skin. You should be hydrating anyway, especially in heat. If not, then use your sunburned skin as an incentive to start drinking the suggested amount of water per day. Your body needs moisture, even more so when healing damaged skin.

8. Keep Clothing Loose

Though not exactly a treatment for sunburn, wearing loose clothing can help your skin heal more quickly after a sunburn. Clothes rubbing against your skin will only irritate it further, potentially cause peeling and will likely make you feel uncomfortable as you go about your day.

Cotton and bamboo are the best materials to wear over an area of sunburn. They’re natural, soft fibers and will allow your skin to breathe, which can help with the healing process after the trauma it has suffered. 

Author Bio

Judy Lees is a super-connector with Photographers In Islamabad who helps businesses find their audience online through outreach, partnerships, Wedding Photography, branding and networking. He frequently writes about the latest advancements in digital marketing, digital photography.