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8 Personal Growth Practices You Can Do Every Day

According to one study, 96% of people fail on their personal growth goals.

If you want to make sure that you're not part of that percentage, you might need a few tips on how to grow as a person. 

Thankfully, we have all of the best personal development tips to make you a better person, so make sure you keep reading!

1. Start Reading

Speaking of reading, one of the first things you should do is picking up anything and reading it. Reading can help you gain more knowledge, expose you to new words, and grow your brain. 

Your memory will get worse as you age, and your brain won't function as sharply as it used to. To help keep it as sharp as possible, pick up some books. 

Plus, it can help you to relieve some stress. When you're less stressed out, you can focus on your personal growth goals and also be more creative. 

If you think you're too busy to read, just try and fit it in here and there. For example, you could read on your commute, while taking breaks at work, or even read to your child at night!

There are plenty of self-help books out there to help you get started. In fact, you can start by reading books like The Relationship!

2. Stay Consistent

For these daily practices to work, you'll have to make sure that you stay consistent as well.

The changes will not happen overnight, rather it will be a slow and deliberate process. Consistency can really help with that. 

So unless you're ready to make a lifestyle change, you may not get very far in your journey. 

3. Get Up Early

Even if you're not an early-morning person, you should still try and wake up early in the day.

In fact, many scientists have studied people who wake up before 6 a.m. They've found that not only are they more likely to stick to their personal development practices, but they also have a lot more time to get these things done. 

When you wake up early, you can have a good breakfast, exercise, and set a good mental attitude for the rest of the day. 

4. Meditate

Another great thing to try in the morning is meditation. People have been meditating for years to help relieve stress and reduce their anxiety. It's also a good way to just clear your head and make you more aware. 

There are all kinds of different ways you can try and meditate. But if you're new to it, you should download an app that offers free, self-guided meditation. These will walk you through the process and get you familiar with doing it on your own. 

5. Volunteer

Volunteering is great because not only are you helping someone else out, it also makes you feel better about yourself. 

It also doesn't cost anything to do! When you don't have a budget to support going to all these motivational speakers and counselors, just start by volunteering in a community non-profit.

To motivate you to keep going, try and choose something that you're interested in or that you have experience with. Wherever you live, there are plenty of places where you can share your abilities and also grow your network. 

Plus, it can give you a certain satisfaction that you're contributing to the greater good. 

6. Learn From Others

In addition to reading, you should try learning from others as well. 

Regardless of who they are, sit down and have a conversation with them and ask them about their life story. Ask them what mistakes they made and what they learned from them.

After you listen, ask yourself how you can apply some of their lessons to your life so that you can possibly avoid the same mistakes. 

If you don't know where to meet people, you can always try talking to people at your work or even at the nonprofit!

7. Follow a Passion

What are you passionate about? What makes you happy to be alive? 

It's important to have hobbies so that you can spend some of your time actually doing the things you love. If you've lost time for your hobbies, think about what used to make you excited. 

Was it traveling? Writing a novel? Planting a garden? 

Focus on those things again and invest some time in yourself. By doing this, you also give yourself some downtime to investigate who you are. 

8. Visualize Success

Lastly, spend some time actually thinking about accomplishing your goals. What does that look like for you?

Sometimes when you visualize the results of what you're trying to achieve, you can overcome any kind of obstacle. We tend to get caught up thinking about all of the things that are in the way rather than thinking about what it feels like to achieve it.

Many coaches use this visualization technique for their athletes. And some studies suggest that when the athletes visualize themselves winning the competition, they can actually complete it in real life!

To help you stay focused on this goal, you could also try making a vision board.

Discover More Personal Growth Practices to Do

These are only a few of the personal growth practices that you can try, but there are many more out there.

We know that going through this journey might be stressful and sometimes overwhelming, but we're here to help you out.

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